Friday, April 4, 2008

Oprah on puppy mills

Well I'm certainly getting a lot of attention. Mommy got a head's up this week that the episode of Oprah that aired today would be about puppy mills. Although it was nothing she didn't know or hadn't heard about before, she was very, very happy that someone as influential and widely known as Oprah would do such a show to tell people about this horrible reality. Of course, watching the show meant her bawling and petting and cuddling me a lot. Which means that I'm grateful too. Not only is Oprah getting the word out, she'd directly responsible for even more spoiling of me!

In other news, we're getting more schnee. Most of the humans aren't amused. I am.

Woos to all,

1 comment:

The Army of Four said...

I've GOT to find the car keys and drive up to see you.
Play bows,